Michael Stein
Michael's Latest Interactions
Posted on: Sep 05, 2023 at 8:00 AM
Hey Mike, Wishing you a happy 72nd coming up. Sorry we didn't meet up at the reunion last year (dang, has it been a year!!!). Glad to know you're still up 'n kickin like fewer of us '52ers. If you are ever in San Mateo look me up. --ms
Before saying a very sad 'good-by' to Dick, gotta say hi to distanted friends, Dick Collier & Mike Mosier. Looking back on us group of 'el-cheapo' house buddies (cannot leave out our king-pin roomy, Ross Lee, "The Dragon") we were plodding our way through college working PT & summers at gas stations where we fixed our cars. We were greasy but chums. Shout out to you all :-)
Dick joined us as a roomy but as Dick C correcty points out, above, we rarely saw him. His was Mr. Energy THE man about town, Mr. out & about with other groups, many were girls that I'd wish were my ...... (another story). A really fun, high energy guy!
It is really hard to get my arms around how classmates like Dick & others from our High School class are no longer with us. When I saw Dick Jackson's name of the "memories" e-mail I thought it not possible. He was living itself ! Those of us who remember Dick, Phil Hoehn (another brief roomy) and too many others of us hope to appreciate how even with the rich heritage of our experience at a great place & institution like Redwood; we need remember all of "us" now departed and our good fortune.
Here's to ya Dick. May God be with you & grant you peace.