In Memory

Stephen Friend VIEW PROFILE

Stephen Friend

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12/23/23 02:47 PM #1    

Lynne Volk (Keller)

I am so saddened to hear about Stephen's passing.   He was a truly talented guy and I will miss all of his writings about life in Marin during the time we were growing up and even earlier.  My hearfelt condolences to to family and freinds. May memories bring you peace.  You are alin my prayers. 

12/23/23 03:32 PM #2    

Greg Dodge

I did not really know Steve in high school. I have followed him on Facebook reading his histories and cooking tips. When I heard the news yesterday. I was hit like a bolt of lightening like I lost my best friend. We talked only on messenger however he would bring up memories for me that were long buried. I will mis his guidence.


12/26/23 08:51 AM #3    

Carter Elwell (Donovan)

I was sadden when I read the Stephen had passed, I reconnected with him via facebook. I always enjoyed his thoughtful and creative posts. In paticular, the original the recipe for Joe Special. My condolences  to his family.

Rest in peace Stephen

12/30/23 01:24 PM #4    

Joe Akers

was there ever a nicer guy...don't think so...gonna miss you always lived up to your last name, even 50 plus years later...always posting great memories of marin and our days growing best to stephen's daughters...catch ya on the other side....aloha joe

01/14/24 04:34 PM #5    

Paul Krawchuk

We had a lot of fun Steve, and it was a great life with many happy moments. A life well lived means peace in the hereafter. May your soul rest in peace. Your good friend

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