In Memory


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08/29/14 03:42 PM #1    

Bruce MacGowan

I remember Mike was an excellent running back on the Redwood varsity football team, and he scored two TDs in a game I covered for the Redwood Bark back in the fall of 1969 on a Friday night at San Rafael High. Redwood won that game 25-7. Mike also won the 'KTIM MCAL High School Player of the Week Award' that week and was the first athlete I ever interviewed for radio when I was just 17 years old and doing a Redwood High sports and news show on KTIM on Saturday mornings. Mike was a popular guy, smart, and a good man. Sorry to see his name on this list. He died much too soon!

08/30/14 09:37 PM #2    

John Neuenburg

Bruce talked about Mike being a very good running back at Redwood. I remember that about him at Kent School. I think it was in 8th grade and we were playing flag football on opposite teams. Mike was running down the field with the ball, like a fire hydrant on legs. I went for him but he ran over me. It was then I decided football was not for me, and I ended up doing motorcycle sports. Much safer.

Mike lived around the corner and up the hill from us in Greenbrae. Close but not.close. Know what I mean?  It's  tough to hear about schoolmates leaving this world.

08/31/14 12:29 PM #3    

Karen Coleman (Olson)

I am so sad to hear Mike and Bobby passed on.  This is not getting easy hearing about our friends that are passing away.  Enjoy you all and I wish you all the best while we are here.  I wish I had more contact with those that have left.  I am in Tiburon (still in Marin) and would love to meet up with anyone still around.   Hugs, Karen Coleman Plastiras

09/01/14 09:24 PM #4    

Betsy Gast

Mike was kind enough to invite this awkward freshman to a dance; he had an easygoing way that made it fun

.  What a sweet man.  So sad to hear of his passing.

09/02/14 02:57 PM #5    

Kent Skov

I met Mike in grammar school at Kent School and asked him to join the football team as he was sooo fast. He had no idea how good he would become and that he wanted to even play. but he could play and turned out to be a great football player and friend. I am sad to hear of his passing and how he will be missed.

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